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Dog Walking Packages

Professional Dog Walkers Near Me Trained to Care for Your Puppy

You love your puppy! You want to give them the very best life possible. When you live in the city and also have a job filling up your time, professional dog walkers near me can take some of that stress off your plate. At QC Dog Walking Services we make sure that every one of our walkers has the experience and training to protect your pup while out on the town. We only pair walkers with dogs that they can control on the leash. Our pockets are packed with an extra leash, doggie-doo bags, and a few training treats.






Schedule a Week Ahead with Our Dog Walking Packages


Is your schedule overflowing this week? If you know you will need a walker every day, save some cash by buying one of our dog walking packages. Purchase up to 20 walks in advance, but only use the ones you need. Simply log into your QC account and request the walks you need at specific times. Any leftover walks from the bundle will stay in your account until you need us again. Was there a last minute change? We do our best to accommodate short notice requests as often as possible.


Supervised Professional Dog Walking Service


Your dog walker is never alone while they are with your puppy. You know you are working with a professional dog walking service when you receive an update from one of our field managers after they checked in with your dog and their walker. You also receive texts when your dog is picked up, dropped off, and even what your dog did during their stroll. Field manager checks are always unannounced, ensuring that our walkers comply with rules and regulations at all times.


Walkers Available in Your Neighborhood


Perhaps best of all, QC Dog Walking Services is actually a network of dog walkers located across the city. Your walker probably lives in your neighborhood! They know where all the quiet parks, dog watering stations, and secluded side streets are to give your dog the most freedom possible during their daily walks. Your dog may even make some new canine friends. Ask us about our park romps on the weekends!

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