What a typical dog walk consists of
The Walker Arrives at Your Home
As part of our monitoring process, walkers notify us when they pick up and drop off their pets. So we know when and where they are via meta data as well as checking in on them regularly in person.
Walkers greet and interact with your dog near the door way. Most dogs come to the walkers, and if they don't, walkers will call out their names and look for them.
If other dogs come along on the walk, they will wait outside of your door while the walker suits up your pup.
Walkers only leave your house after your dog is securely leashed.
Walking Duration
The walk time officially begins when the walker leaves your apartment with your dog, and ends when the walker exits your building after dropping the dog off.
During The Walk
During the walk, the walker works to find the balance between letting your dog sniff around and enjoy themselves, all while keeping them safe from harm.
Our walkers are advised on the best dog walking practices, such as:
Never letting go of the leash(s) - Always keep hands through the loop and have the leash wrapped around the wrist.
Keep your dog away from other dogs, children and strangers in general.
We keep a balance between letting your dogs have fun on their own, and keeping them safe and under control. We maintain your dogs on a short leash, while letting them do their business and enjoy the walk.
Walkers follow all traffic laws and otherwise use common sense for public safety at all times.
We routinely check in on our walkers to monitor their adherence to our process.
Walkers carry backup leashes in case of emergencies such as your dog's regular harness or leash failing.
Pooh Bags
We carry our own pooh bags, but if you have them on hand, we may request the use of them if we run out just before your scheduled walk.
Dropping Off
During the drop-off time, we check the water, usually we don't fill the bowls more than halfway because some dogs drink too much water too fast and they have to pee before you get home.
Best practice is to reduce interaction prior to returning and leave quickly and silently to avoid creating anxiety for your dog. If your dog has known anxiety, we may create distractions for them to engage with before leaving, such as sprinkling a few treats around for them to find.
Walkers are instructed to leave locks, doors, and lights as they were when they arrived. Though toward the evening, we tend to err towards leaving a light on for your dogs unless you specify not to.
Post Walk
After the walk is completed, walkers send us your dog's walk report, and we forward them to you within 1-2 hours of the walk time. The walk report includes a photo taken during the walk and whether your dog went pee and/or pooh.
Scheduled Walk Time
The scheduled walk time is within plus or minus an hour of your scheduled booking.